Sunday, April 3, 2011

Lemon detox diet

Benefits of Drinking Water with Lemon for Weight Loss

Adding lemon juice to your drinking water helps the digestive system and elimination process. With that, it aids in preventing constipation and diarrhea. Some of the other benefits include:
  • Lemon is rich in vitamin C
  • Helps to lose weight faster naturally
  • Flushes toxins from the body
  • Promotes a stronger immune system
  • Helps to purify the blood
  • Natural antiseptic
  • Increases the acidity of the digestive system
  • Helps the body absorb calcium

Sassy water

Types of Water

The book outlines the basic ingredients of the weight-loss drink recipe. Water is the very first item on the list. The authors do not specify whether the water should be distilled, purified, or enhanced with minerals. Some assert that distilled drinking water is ideal for weight loss, while others warn that distilled water is dangerous. The type of clear beverage you select may be determined with your physician's guidance.


Ginger is one of the most impressive ingredients in the recipe because it offers wonderful aroma, flavor, and health benefits. Proponents of the Flat Belly Diet suggest that ginger is a helpful ingredient because it soothes and calms the GI tract. The root is believed to help ease constipation and improve digestion.


Water with lemon is excellent for weight loss. The lemon is a natural diuretic and it is an alkaline food that promotes proper pH balance.


Cucumber is a popular choice for weight loss programs because it is nutritious and because of its diuretic qualities. The vegetable contains the protein-digesting enzyme, erepsin. Cucumbers are thought to help kidney function. The body removes fat through urine, not stool. Proper kidney function is essential in healthy weight loss.


Mint leaves are well known for their stomach-soothing qualities. The leaves are beneficial in that they aid digestion effectively. Some suggest that simply sniffing peppermint can promote weight loss.

1. First, you'll need 3 1/2 to 4 quarts of water in a pitcher. Use filtered water to make sure it is pure.

2. Thoroughly wash one lemon. Slice it very thin, and add it to the water. You don't need to squeeze the juice out, just drop the slices in. 

3. Peel and thinly slice one cucumber, and add to the water. Add 12 fresh, clean mint leaves.

4. Next, you will need one teaspoon of finely grated ginger. Make sure it is fresh ginger, not the dried powder from your spice rack. Add the ginger to the water. Give it a quick stir, cover and place in the refrigerator over night. Drink it chilled throughout the following day. 

5. Make a fresh batch every day for four days.

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